Sunday, April 6, 2014

ACM Awards - Part 1, Y'all!

Good evening everyone! After taking the Oscars off to attend an Oscar party, I'm back with my brilliant thoughts on another awards show. This time, it's the Academy of Country Music Awards, coming to you from the heart of country music...Las Vegas? Um, ok? I know it's been in Vegas for years, but still. I'm a traditionalist, it should be in Nashville. Today's country is different than the country I grew up on. Today, it's all slick generic pop with an occasional banjo. Plus, it's almost all guys singing songs about trucks & beer. I guess I'm just old-fashioned. I was country when country wasn't cool. Heck, I was country when Barbara Mandrell WAS cool, and that's saying something! I don't think any of these guys can hold a candle to Waylon, Willie, Johnny, or George. Plus, I don't like Carrie (sorry). Anyway, on with the show.

Oh good, Shakira is on the show. Wait, what? Shakira is on? Um, ok. At least there is a tribute to Merle featuring George Strait, Miranda (who could be modern & traditional) and Garth. We start with The Band Perry. The lead Perry now looks like Sheryl Crow, creepy. Perry boy 1 looks like Steve Perry and Perry boy 2 looks like Joe Perry, fitting since this is like a cross between what I imagine a Journey & Aerosmith concert to be.

Now your hosts, Blake Shelton & Luke Bryan come out. Luke Bryan always has a big smile and good teeth going. It's like he's a walking ad for Aspen Dental or something. Seems like he's a nice guy. Blake opens up with a big slam on Britney Spears not singing live. But c'mon, who goes to see her to listen to her vocal ability? At least Luke Bryan got in a good Dallas Cowboys slam. Everyone is covered in confetti in the audience and that's bizarre, but in a good way. You know those women spent tons of time & money on their hair & dresses and boom, it's like a bad prom. Well, I saw some of them, and they looked like a bad prom to begin with.

After some painfully bad and obvious jokes (makes me appreciate Brad & Carrie even more on CMAs), they toss it to Florida/Georgia Line performing. They sound a little more country than Band Perry did, but I kinda miss that song they did will Nelly. Yes, I know Nelly isn't country, but that song was awful & awfully catchy. Then, immediately into Brad Paisley performing at a pool party in Vegas. Surprised to see more tats on the guys than girls. Ladies, you are disappointing me. Fun enough little summer sounding song about going to the river bank.

Now, back from commercial, it's Blake Shelton performing with Gwen Sebastian. She has southern blonde lady hairdo #47. Go to the mall or little park on Saturday and you'll see at least 10 women with the same hair. Good to see Blake's wife singing along. It's good for spouses to be involved and interested in the other's job. Is the stage decorated with candles in mason jars? What, did Pinterest throw up in there? I still don't understand Pinterest and really just don't want to. But the song was actually pretty good. Was that Christiane Amanpour  they showed?

Now some generic looking & sounding country boy (no hat) named I think Brent Everett is singing some song with his beach based video playing in the background. He looks happy though.

Well, this is a good start for blogging, so yeah, part 2 coming up next!

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