Sunday, January 26, 2014

It's the Grammy Awards y'all - Part 2!!

OK, we are starting with Chicago and Robin Thicke. Well this should be kinda something. The singer for Chicago kinda seems like a Will Ferrell sketch from SNL. They start with 2 lines of "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?", I would prefer Saturday In the Park or 25 or 6 to 4. Ah! Here's my song :) But how will this mix with Blurred Lines? I mean, this song features a man selling ice cream! Nothing like Robin's skanky song. Oh good, he's going down the aisle to sing because that's NEVER awkward. Well, at least Mrs. Robin Thicke didn't have to worry about Chicago grinding up on her husband with a foam finger and no talent. Chicago still has it after all these years.

Now, Keith Urban and Gary Clark, Jr are performing together. I think Keith Urban has the same hair as Robin Wright did at the Golden Globes. How pretty? First time I've heard Clark. Very rocky/bluesy, nice. Good use of the Fred from Scooby-Doo neckerchief too! Good solid performance from them. Keith can still tear up that guitar. So can Clark.

According to Mental Floss magazine, the Grammy Award was almost called the "Eddie" after Thomas Edison. How perfect would that have been for me and this blog? Oy to the ever loving VEY! Halle Berry has a summer show on CBS? How's that post-Oscar movie career working out Halle. Find a good script. Hopefully this one is.

Now John Legend at a piano and singing. Ladies & Gents, this, along with Bey and Shawn is your R&B portion of the Grammys. No R&B awards on the main telecast. Why, I don't know.. Not so subtle shot of John's model wife over his shoulder. Oh to be pretty and famous. Now, R&B legend Charlie Wilson and Kevin Hart present best rock song, which goes to Foo Fighters and Paul McCartney for Cut Me Some Slack. Paul is a legend and a Grammy favorite, no shock there, even if Paul is working the 1980s dad mullet.

Now, Taylor Swift is going to perform. She's finally gotten to wear she sounds good live. Oh, another person at the piano singing quietly. That makes 3 tonight! They wanted to be original, just like everybody else. It just looks odd to be playing piano in a big long flowing gown. Just doesn't seem practical does it? Now she's head banging and I literally laughed OUT LOUD here at home alone. That just looked so awful, and of course her hair still looks perfect. You know she practiced that move to make sure it looked good. Haha. Bless her dang heart. Her voice does sound miles better than it did when she sang live at the beginning of her career.

OK, that'll do for this part 2. Onward and upward!

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